About Us
A division of World College of Neurology, Vert™ represents the most comprehensive Dizzy clinic in Western Australia, covering all causes of dizziness, vertigo and imbalance from ear to brain. More.

Dr Vincent Seet
As Western Australia’s only Neurologist and Neuro-Otologist, Dr Vincent Seet provides state-of-the-art vestibular care from his private clinic in Leeming. Find out more.

Our Services
Expert vestibular consultations, Video otoscopy, Video oculography, Otomicroscopy, Subjective visual vertical (SVV) and more.

Did You Know?
The majority of patients with dizziness have normal ear tests and brain scans.
Furthermore, some abnormal test may have nothing to do with your dizziness.
Other patients are assumed to have “ear infections” but which ear?
Don’t take a risk with your dizziness.